About The Photographer

A little bit about me. I was born and raised in Alaska. I work full time for my family business and also do photography. I have been taking pictures 'professionally' since 2009. I used the quotes because I am still learning and love every minute of it. I am trying to figure out where I want to go with my photography and hope you enjoy watching my style and skill evolve.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So as it says above, I will be doing a picture a day for 365 days starting January 1st. This is for me to just be more motivated and artistic with my photography. I don't have any specific pictures to take, just to capture a picture of something that catches my eye each day. I hope to better myself as a photographer by the end of 2012 and be able to look back with pride at my accomplishment. The picture above is what you have to look forward to. Nature, people, animals, sunsets, what ever inspires me! I can't wait to get started! Wish me luck lol.